23 iunie 2020
Program – The Art of Happiness in Couple Relationships



From a drop of love to an ocean of ecstasy



Wednesday, June 24, 2020

17.00 Welcome

17.25 Consecration of the retreat “The Art of Happiness in Couple Relationships”

17.30 Meditation of expansion of the subtle spiritual field of support of this
spiritual retreat

17.55 Awareness and crystallization of the effects of this meditation

18.00 Lecture 1 “In Search of Happiness” (part 1)

18.58 Spiritual exemplification with the theme: “The exemplary state of
happiness and profound fulfillment that manifests itself as a constant background
in harmonious couple relationships”

19.30 Lecture 1 “In Search of Happiness” (part 2)

20.33 Movie invitation – part 1

20.46 Lecture 2 “A brief comparative analysis between the social, conventional couple and the couple integrated on a spiritual path”

21.53 Presentation of the retreat “The Art of Happiness in Couple Relationships”

21.53 Presentation of the retreat “The Art of Happiness in Couple Relationships”

OPTIONAL: 21.21 The alternative program on MISA TV will be replayed as well in our program tomorrow at 17.15

21.55 Intense and profound meditation of empathetic spiritual communion with the Fairies (the Fey)

23.20-23.25 Images from Nature MISA TV

23.25-00.05 Meditation of profound fundamental communion with the subtle sublime energy of the Godly Attribute of the Godly Courage, which we abundantly attract in our inner universe

00.15 Lecture 2 (replay) „A brief comparative analysis between the social, conventional couple and the couple integrated on a spiritual path”


Thursday, June 25, 2020

17.15 Lecture: The presentation of the participation in unison to support the exemplary, eminently beneficial modification of the Russian Constitution (Replay of the Lecture from June 24 2020)

17.48 Images from nature

17.58 Presentation “The Art of Happiness in Couple Relationships”

18.00 Lecture 3 (part 1): “7 Essential Esoteric Keys that Ensure Happiness in the Couple Relationship”

19.00 Spiritual exemplification with the theme: “The exemplary state of active love, based on transfiguration, devotion, reciprocal respect, and admiration that is manifested by both lovers in a harmonious, spiritual couple relationship”

19.30 Lecture 3 (part 2): “7 Essential Esoteric Keys that Ensure Happiness in the Couple Relationship”

20.15 Special Spiritual Action: We will seek to experience a state of profound fundamental communion with the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Help, whose fruits are dedicated to the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, to be supported by the Good God in all the eminently beneficial actions which he performs or will perform in accordance with the Will of God

21.05 Lecture 3 (part 3): “7 Essential Esoteric Keys that Ensure Happiness in the Couple Relationship”

22.34 Live session of answers to questions raised during the viewing of the lectures

22.55 Preparation and Meditation of profound fundamental communion with the Godly Attribute of Godly Heroism, which we abundantly attract in our inner being

23.35 Images from Nature MISA TV

23.45 Lecture 3 (part 3) replay



Friday, June 26, 2020


17.58 Presentation of the Retreat “The Art of Happiness in Couple Relationships”

18.00 Lecture 4: “The Woman’s Role in a Happy Couple Relationship”

19.25 Spiritual exemplification with the theme: “The exemplary state of pure, elevated femininity that is consciously assumed by an initiate woman in a harmonious, polar couple relationship”

20.05 Presentation of the Retreat “The Art of Happiness in Couple Relationships”

20.07 Lecture 5: “The Man’s Role in a Happy Couple Relationship”

21.20 Movie Invitation – part 2

21.25 Spiritual exemplification with the theme: “The exemplary state of superior, elevated masculinity of the spiritual hero manifested in a harmonious, polar couple relationship”

22.05 Live session of answers to questions raised during the viewing of the lectures

22.55-23.35 Preparation and Meditation of profound fundamental communion with the Godly Attribute of Godly Optimism, which we abundantly attract in our inner being

23.35 Movie Invitation – part 3 (“A different perspective”)

23.35 Images from Nature MISA TV

23.45 Lecture 4 (replay): “The Woman’s Role in a Happy Couple Relationship”

01.10 Images from Nature MISA TV

01.20 Lecture 5 (replay): “The Man’s Role in a Happy Couple Relationship”



Saturday, June 27, 2020


9.25 Presentation of the Retreat “The Art of Happiness in Couple Relationships”

9.30 Live Session: The First Essential Steps in Esoteric Tantra Yoga – yoga postures in couples

11.30 Spiritual exemplification with the theme: “The state of profound communion at the level of the soul with the loved one that appears spontaneously after a session of yoga postures in a couple that were done together”

12.00 Lecture 6: “5 False Myths Replaced with 5 Fundamental Truths about the Happy Couple Relationship”

13.55 Meditation with the subtle, sublime, infinite energy of the GODLY ATTRIBUTE OF GODLY SALVATION OR REDEMPTION

14.35 Movie Invitation – part 4

15.52 Images from Nature MISA TV

17.00 Lecture 7: “Some of the common spiritual lessons that man and woman learn in the happy couple relationship”

18.43 Movie Invitation – part 5

18.50 Lecture 8: “Genetic programming of the behavior that leads to separation can be avoided by the transformation of the amorous life of the loving couples”

20.13 Presentation of the Retreat “The Art of Happiness in Couple Relationships”

20.15 Special Spiritual Action: We will seek to experience a state of profound fundamental communion with the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Help, whose fruits are dedicated to the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, to be supported by the Good God in all the eminently beneficial actions which he performs or will perform in accordance with the Will of God

21.05 Live session of answers to questions raised during the viewing of the lectures

22.25 Preparation and Meditation of profound fundamental communion with the Godly Attribute of Godly Eternity, which we abundantly attract in our inner being

23.05 Images from Nature MISA TV

23.15 Movie Invitation – part 6



Sunday, June 28, 2020

09.25 Presentation of the Retreat ‘The Art of Happiness in Couple Relationships”

9.30 Live Session: The First Essential Steps in Esoteric Tantra Yoga – yoga postures in couple

11.30 Lecture 9 (part 1): “Cultivation of Pure Eros – a necessity for a happy couple relationship”

13.02 Spiritual exemplification while simultaneously watching special video sequences: Communion with the subtle, sublime energy of the Godly Attribute of the Godly Pure Eros

13.30 Lecture 9 (part 2): “Cultivation of Pure Eros – a necessity for a happy couple relationship”

14.35 Movie Invitation – part 7

14.56 Presentation of the Retreat “The Art of Happiness in Couple Relationships”

15.00 Lecture 9 (part 3): “Cultivation of Pure Eros – a necessity for a happy couple relationship”

16.12 Movie Invitation – part 8

16.32 Lecture 10: “Liberation from the enchaining desires through their alchemization”

17.15 Presentation of the Retreat “The Art of Happiness in Couple Relationships”

17.20 Movie Invitation – part 9

18.05 Lecture 11 (part 1): “Some essential esoteric keys that help to spiritualize the couple relationship”

19.03 Lecture 11 (part 2): “Some essential esoteric keys that help to spiritualize the couple relationship”

20.00 Presentation of the Retreat “The Art of Happiness in Couple Relationships”

20.02 Live session of answers to questions raised during the viewing of the lectures

Synthesis and conclusions

21.55 Spiritual exemplification with the theme: “The resorption of the subtle spiritual field of support of the Camp “The Art of Happiness in Couple Relationships”

22.25 Preparation and Meditation of fundamental profound communion with the Godly Attribute of Godly Goodwill which we abundantly attract in our inner being
